Saturday, November 16, 2019

Series Introduction: Rising's Rapid Reviews

I have a lot to say, but not a lot of time. In Rising’s Rapid Reviews, I (“Epimetheus Rising”) briefly review all or part of a text (text being an all-encompassing word for movies, books, plays, podcasts, etc). This is not meant to be a thorough beat-by-beat (that’s what podcasts are for, silly) nor an academic article exploring a particular thesis, merely a way to share some thoughts I had about a text that I think are at least a little original or amusing. It may be that I see something I haven’t heard anyone else mention, or I may be boosting the signal of ideas I have heard elsewhere. Either way, I hope these quick reflections provoke both thought and amusement.

PS: Unlike my last series, this will not be done all at once with a specific end date, but sporadically, whenever the Spirit (at least, I hope it is motivated by The Spirit) moves me.

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